✍ Coaching is one of the most recommended skills for personal growth. It is a different way of seeing people, much more optimistic than what we are used to and that gives rise
Do you want to make this Christmas a gift that really adds value to the people you love? I propose to give you accompaniment, change, action! A bonus of 4 individual Coaching
Villa de Mazo promotes the fight for equality through a coaching program
You can visit us now in Los Llanos de Aridane
Jobsora is a website whose main and only objective is to help you find a good job. In Jobsora you will find relevant vacancies throughout the country. Every day we are receiving new vacancies from more than 250 employment sites and direct employers in Spain.
Do not miss the interview conducted at COPE LA PALMA!
Very happy to be able to share with everyone the last interview conducted today in 7.7 La Palma.
We are pleased to show the interview conducted for Prontopro.es that can already be seen in the following link: https://blog.prontopro.es/blog/blog/el-coaching-que-te-orienta-hacia-tu-felicidad
It reviews the trajectory of Dévora Viña in which various aspects of Coaching are reviewed.
We hope you enjoy
Yesterday in Windward we had an incredible time. What better topic to commemorate World Breast Cancer Day and Rural Women’s Day.
We learned to take care of ourselves, attend to the signals of our body and love each other more
We have been to Breña Alta, at Casa Panchito.
Workshop offered thanks to the City Council of Breña Alta; Department of Social Services and the Government of the Canary Islands.
Thank you very much to all attendees!